Case Study
From Fossil to Forest

From Fossil to Forest

The “From Fossil to Forest” Agenda aims to develop the following cellulose-based solutions: high-yield pulps and brown papers, papers with greater mechanical resistance and barrier properties, biocomposites, smart sensors, and molded cellulose.

This transformation focused on the development of innovative forest-based products will be crucial to achieving the Green Deal goals, ensuring a socially just transition to a nature-positive and climate-neutral economy. The development and production of these solutions, still little known at the state-of-the-art level, will be possible through R&D activities, which include tasks related to the development of prototypes, and their subsequent industrialization, which involves production (in an industrial context) of solutions developed and approved in the following lines of action:

(1) high-yield pulps and brown papers;

(2) papers with greater mechanical resistance;

(3) papers with barrier properties;

(4) biocomposites;

(5) paper sensors for smart packaging;

(6) molded cellulose for rigid packaging

The Innovation Pact’s activities are divided into a set of specific objectives, which will be addressed by a consortium, made up of 27 promoters whose technical and technological skills complement each other.

Led by Navigator Paper Setúbal, S.A. (NPS), this consortium brings together the financial capacity and technical resources necessary to carry out this pact, involving an investment of €118.6 M, in different reindustrialization business projects, based on R&D and innovation.

PIEP participates in WP3 and WP4, in the research and development of biodegradable thermoplastic films for biodegradable packaging, through the extrusion process, and the development of biocomposites for various applications.


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