Social Entities
General Meeting
Administrative Council
Fiscal Council
See By-Law

In addition to the rights enshrined in the By-Law, membership of the PIEP Association offers multiple advantages to its members, such as:

• Discounts on hiring laboratory testing services, technical consulting, and training, among others;

• Discounts on R&DT projects directly contracted to PIEP;

• Visits to associates to identify their needs and opportunities for joint R&D+i activities;

• Promotion with national and international collaboration networks to which PIEP is associated;

• Promotion in international contact networks to establish partnerships and participation in international R&TD projects;

• Application of associates' logos on PIEP's promotional material and dissemination of its activity on PIEP communication channels;

• Alerts on legislation, standards, funding opportunities, technological supply and demand, and relevant events for the sector;

• Priority and free support for the technical-scientific justification component of proposals for co-financed projects in which PIEP is a partner or subcontractor;

• Negotiable payment terms for the services provided.

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