Advanced Manufacturing Processes (Polymers)

Based on structured R&DT activity, the Advanced Manufacturing Processes - Polymers (PAFP) area contributes to strengthening the competitiveness of the plastics industry, providing professional experience, infrastructure, equipment, and production tools.

Our specialized human resources know the different technologies for processing thermoplastic materials, and practical skills in conventional and non-conventional injection processes, applying to services, consultancy, training, transfer of know-how resulting from the structured activity of R&DT and technical support on mould tests and process development, through the production of small series. In the field of simulation of the production process, the outputs obtained from numerical tools for simulation of the conventional and non-conventional injection moulding process, help in the development of the mould concept, predict the existence of defects in the parts and determine the most appropriate conditions, to promote efficient production following the required specifications.


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