Case Study

Design of a crushable TPS (Thermal Protection System) for the ERC (Earth Reentry Capsule)

The fully national consortium, formed by PIEP, ACC, CMT, and ISQ, has developed, with the direct support of ESA (European Space Agency), an atmospheric reentry capsule, whose main function is to collect soil samples in space missions (ERC), with thermomechanical characteristics optimized for a passive atmospheric reentry. This design focused mainly on the development of a thermal protection system and impact absorption capacity.

The concept combines the definition of a multifunctional system with design solutions with different materials, which supported the development and testing of protection systems (and materials) with structural (mainly impact) and thermal functions, allowing a greater combined absorption capacity and impact energy, and the ability to overcome the thermal loads generated during re-entry into the Earth’s atmosphere, ensuring the high requirements of the aerospace sector.

By using a set of materials, some with cork incorporation, it is possible to guarantee the protection of a trip of high structural and thermal demand, without the use of parachutes or airbags, associated with a reduction in space exploration costs.

PIEP was responsible for the selection, evaluation, and testing of material characterization, design of the proposed solution, as well as the production of the prototypes to be tested. This project allowed PIEP to deepen partnerships and their growth potential in the aerospace sector, bringing together skills that guarantee the exploration of these or other development lines.

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