Space and Defense

Non-conventional matrix carbon nanotubes
reinforced composite for applications in space

This project aimed to identify potential spatial applications of “skeletons” of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) or “CNT Network”, impregnated by polymeric, metallic, or ceramic matrices.

The skeletons of carbon nanotubes can be presented in the form of “bucky paper” or blocks up to 10mm thick.

The project allowed:

• Identify space applications that benefit from the use of composites with a high CNT content, and select the most promising material/application sets

• Establish the CNT network manufacturing process to be used as a preformed composite.

• Physically and mechanically characterize the skeletons of carbon nanotubes.

• Develop the infiltration processes of the CNT skeletons by the matrices selected for the applications in view.

• Characterize composites reinforced with CNT networks.

• Define and build a prototype that shows the feasibility of the proposed process.

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