21 May 2022
AED DAYS 2022 prepare to take off

From the 24th to the 27th of May, AED Cluster Portugal will hold, in a hybrid format, the 9th edition of the Portuguese Aeronautics, Space and Defence industries’ main event – AED Days 2022.

As in the last edition, the AED Days will be divided into 3 different events:

The physical activities will take place at the Taguspark Congress Center (Oeiras, Lisbon).

Additionally, we will also have the Networking Dinner, this year open to anyone who wants to attend, so registrations for it are also available.

The Dinner will take place on the 24th of May, in Forte São Juilão da Barra (Oeiras).

For more information please visit the event website and AED Cluster Portugal’s LinkedIn.

PIEP supports this initiative.


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