Case Study
Innovative CAR HMI

Development of global solutions for instrumentation, information and entertainment in future automotive control panels, to be incorporated in the world of connectivity and autonomous driving.

In the Easy Ride program, PIEP participates in the development of the chassis of an innovative car radio, to reduce the weight of cars, by replacing metallic components with plastics.
PIEP supports the development of an alternative production process for 100% polymeric electronic enclosures, which by the selection and definition of new materials, definition of the supply system, number and location of injection points, cooling channels and cycle time, allows the reduction of the final cost of the product, and the reduction of the global weight of the automobile (lightweight vehicles).

The Factory of Future program will generate scientific and technological advances that will translate into a set of processes, systems and tools that will provide a high level of flexibility and quality, combined with competitive costs, to the main operations related to the different phases of project industrialization.

In the Sensible Car program, PIEP is involved in the optimization of the current LiDAR system, as well as in the development and testing of active and passive systems for cleaning its optical components.

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