02 April 2022
Registrations open for the FRP++ course

Applications are now open for the first edition of the EUROPEAN MASTER COURSE IN ADVANCED STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS AND DESIGN USING COMPOSITE MATERIALS FRP++, of which PIEP is a partner.

FRP++ has its first edition in 2022/2023 as an Erasmus Mundus Master Course, bringing together European universities such as the universities of Minho, Girona, Naples, Toulouse III, and the National Institute of Applied Sciences in Toulouse. The FRP++ is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Program of the European Union and grants are available during the application period until the 8th of April.

The aim of FRP++ is to provide an integrated advanced structural education program applicable to different sectors of the composites industry (mainly aeronautics, construction and infrastructure, automotive, wind energy, defence). This educational program brings together unique conditions for a clear competitive and successful training offer in the institution’s list of postgraduate programs.

All information regarding the course, grants, and applications for this new master’s degree can be consulted online on the official FRP++ website.


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