Case Study

New Generation Storage

The New Generation Storage (NGS) Innovation Pact is wholly aligned with the European Union’s energy transition strategy by 2040, and the challenge for the complete electrification of mobility by 2035. Based on a model structured in 8 Work Packages that encompass the entire value chain of production of components, packs, and recycling of batteries, it is proposed to add value to each stage of the process, culminating in a common objective: the creation of a new technological ecosystem in the area of batteries that will highlight the national industry in the global market. Through the cooperation of 47 entities, the aim is to structurally transform the national productive fabric, creating the necessary conditions – in terms of technology and human resources – for an industrial ecosystem capable of mass production of innovative technologies, and a complete value chain that allows world-class end-of-life management.

The participation of PIEP Associação – Pole of Innovation in Polymer Engineering in the BEN NG Project – WP6, is part of two sub-projects, which aim at the development of a bumper beam (project 4), contemplating the main activities of proof of concept thermoplastic pultruded profile, the production of a thermoplastic pultruded U-shaped profile with the approximate dimensions of 60x60mm, the overmoulding of the pultruded profile for functionalization of the section and integration of connecting elements to other structural elements, as well as the characterization of composite materials, resulting in the obtaining a technological demonstrator for future integration in vehicles; and the development of a biocompound (project 5), covering the main activities of developing polymeric biocomposites with rice husks, characterization of the designed compounds and laboratory-scale validation, laboratory-scale production of the best compound with a view to validation in an industrial environment in SIMOLDES, as well as the recyclability study of the developed compound.

Projeto NGS New Generation Storage

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