The Base Financing measure is a fundamental instrument for the implementation of the strategic action plan (SAE) of PIEP, which wants to strengthen its capacity to respond to the needs of the sector of polymeric and composite materials, characterized by high technological demands, global competition, and very strong technological dynamics and intensive capital, in order to contribute to an increase in the competitiveness of the industry, aligning its offer with the needs of the different actors, promoting cooperative and interdisciplinary innovation.
Based on the macro objectives presented, PIEP intends to equip itself with new skills and technological capabilities in the aforementioned domains, based on 3 priority axes: Materials, Digitization of Products and Processes, and Circular Economy.
Based on the priority axes, PIEP will implement the Strategic Action Plan (PAE), based on the following objectives:
1 – Access new knowledge and technological equipment;
2 – Collaborate with teachers and researchers from higher education institutions (HEIs);
3 – Reinforce scientific employment, hiring PhDs (Ph.D.) and young specialized technical staff (QTE);
4 – Promote internationalization, integrating international value chains;
5 – Develop skills in the different target industrial sectors, through innovation, the circular economy, and the digital transformation of the economy.
Taking these objectives into account, the PIEP Strategic Action Plan was divided into 4 main lines of action:
a) Line of Action 1 (LA1) – Cement the collaboration with Technological Interface Centers (CIT ́s) and IES;
b) Line of Action 2 (LA2) – Increase skills and technological training;
c) Line of Action 3 (LA3) – Promote internationalization;
d) Line of Action 4 (LA4) – Streamline technological interaction and knowledge transfer.