01 July 2022
“MonstroLixo” raises community awareness for a sustainable world

The project ‘MonstroLixo – For a sustainable world’ was presented at the Escola Profissional de Vila do Conde, and between June 8 and 19, the city’s Memory Center was “invaded by classic monsters”, made from waste.

“MonstroLixo” is an environmental awareness activity for the entire community, of the 3R program – Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, aimed at families and educational institutions (students and teachers), resulting from a partnership between the Commercial and Industrial Association of Vila do Conde (ACIVC), Vila do Conde Professional School (EPVC) and Vila do Conde City Council (CMVC).

This event also includes workshops on waste reuse and recycling, conferences, and lectures, including “Bioplastics – the future of packaging”, with the participation of PIEP – Centre for Innovation in Polymer Engineering.


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