08 October 2024
PIEP at the 22nd European Week of Regions and Cities

PIEP will be present at the “22nd European Week of Regions and Cities” which will take place from 7 to 10 October in Brussels.

This internationally renowned centre for technology and innovation in sustainability has been invited to be a keynote speaker at the high-level session on “Smart and Sustainable Growth for Regions” together with experts from European universities, ministers of economy and home affairs, company presidents and directors general of the European Commission, to discuss successful cases of sustainable innovation between regions and countries in which PIEP participates. This session will take place on 9 October at 10:30 am at Autoworld, Minerva Room, and will be broadcast online.

The clean technology revolution is Europe’s next big challenge and how to achieve it in a way that is mindful of territorial and infrastructure disparities, social challenges and geopolitical uncertainties is the concern. The session will highlight how the European Union (EU) Cohesion Policy promotes the uptake of clean technologies, builds sustainable value chains, and attracts private investment, fostering smart and sustainable growth. The EU and Cohesion Policy enable Regions to address challenges based on location, infrastructure, industrial structure, and innovation capacity, requiring tailored approaches. Balancing economic objectives with societal challenges such as education and environmental sustainability is key, requiring continuous stakeholder consultation, policy experimentation, and monitoring of results.


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