11 September 2019
Technical Workshop: Advanced Polymers Characterization

The Polímeros 2018 Organizing Committee – Department of Polymer Engineering at the University of Minho, Institute of Polymers and Composites, and the Polymers Engineering Innovation Pole – joined PARALAB SA to organize the technical workshop on Advanced Polymer Characterization.

The workshop aims to respond to the new challenges of the industry and the requirement created in the development of new products for increasingly demanding applications, where techniques such as Rheology, Thermal Analysis, and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) play an increasingly decisive role. The efficient use of these techniques is essential for a wide range of industrial processes, quality control, R&D, failure analysis, and process control.

The following topics with practical application in the sector will be addressed:

You can find more details and register on the official website of the event.


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