13 November 2020
UMinhoTech Webinar

November 18th, 2.45 pm – UMinhoTech webinar

A UMinhoTech presents itself as a network of research, development, and technology transfer entities that act as technological interfaces of the University of Minho, in the transfer of scientific and applied research to the industry.

As a network of technological interfaces at the University of Minho, UMinhoTech members explore their complementarities in terms of their skills, allowing the development of integrated solutions that respond to the current and future challenges of the industry in areas such as industrialization, intelligence, and the circular economy and sustainability. The members of this network develop their activity in Portugal, but also at an international level, pursuing an internationalization strategy.

In this online event, examples of skills and technologies developed by UMinhoTech members will be presented, as well as results of the project with the same name, supported by Compete2020.


2.45 pm – Opening Session
Eugénio Campos Ferreira | Universidade do Minho
Cândida Vilarinho | CVR – Centro de Valorização de Resíduos

2.55 pm – UminhoTech Project
Bruno Pereira da Silva | PIEP – Pólo de Inovação em Engenharia de Polímeros

3.05 pm – Sustainability and Augmented Reality | ElectroKinBarrier Solution
André Ribeiro | CVR – Centro de Valorização de Resíduos
Nuno Sousa | CCG – Centro de Computação Gráfica

3.25 pm – Future Integrated Technologies | Plastics with Electronics
Ricardo Freitas | PIEP – Pólo de Inovação em Engenharia de Polímeros

3.35 pm – The Importance of Industrial Property in the Valorization of Knowledge
Filipe Soutinho | TecMinho

3.45 pm – Closing Session
Ricardo J. Machado | CCG – Centro de Computação Gráfica
Nuno Guimarães | PIEP – Pólo de Inovação em Engenharia de Polímeros


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