28 January 2021
DUO Syringe – a new syringe with clear public health benefits

The DUO Syringe project developed an innovative medical device, consisting of a sequential-release double-chamber syringe, to improve and make the clinical practice of intravenous administration of drugs and serums safer.

With this innovative device, a nurse will be able to perform three administrations (pre-flushing, medication administration, and flushing) in a sequential step without having to change the syringe, in order to reduce the risk of infection and the trauma-induced in the patient.

The new syringe will thus promote the performance of flushing, the reduction of time and errors during the preparation of medication, the saving of material, and the reduction of costs of health systems.

Consortium work

In order to carry out this project, a consortium with complementary experience and skills was brought together, namely the leading company Muroplás, the Innovation Centre in Polymer Engineering (PIEP), and the Coimbra Nursing School (ESEnfC).

The consortium worked on the generation of innovative concepts, the development of the syringe with different designs supported by predictive models, the production process of the generation of molds, and the involvement of end-users in preclinical studies.

The Seringa DUO project was co-financed by COMPETE 2020 within the scope of the Incentive System for Research and Technological Development, in the co-promotion aspect, with an incentive from the ERDF (European Regional Development Fund), in the amount of approximately 516 thousand euros, for an eligible investment of 718 thousand euros.


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