01 April 2022
“O Clima” coin with integrated polymer appeals to recycling

In March, the Imprensa Nacional-Casa da Moeda launched a coin called “O Clima” (The Climate), from the series “Desenhar a Moeda” (Draw the Coin), which contains recycled plastic and an environmental message.

The coin calls for waste reduction, recycling, and reuse, as well as a reminder of the burden of climate change.

This coin resulted from the collective effort of students from schools in the municipality of Guarda who collected plastic waste, to later be used to mint 6000 coins. The colored discs in the center of this 3-centimeter coin symbolize each of the three main colors of the recycling bins and are a polymer adapted to be integrated into the metal at the time of minting.

The processes of composition and injection of the mixed plastic discs into the coins were carried out at PIEP – Pole of Innovation in Polymer Engineering.

Of the 582 proposals for the coin design competition, the 1st prize was awarded to Tiago Ferreira, a 6th-year student at the Carolina Beatriz Ângelo School.

More information in Plano Numismático 2022 – Casa da Moeda.


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