03 June 2024
PIEP shows children the sustainability of plastics

On May 31, the eve of World Children’s Day, PIEP received a visit from a group of 5th graders from the Manoel de Oliveira School Group in Porto.

This visit aimed to provide the children with an understanding of materials processing, highlighting the advantages and uses of plastic products and demonstrating how they can be sustainable when developed in the context of the circular economy. As environmental education is key to building a more sustainable future, this event aimed to educate children about the importance of recycling and sustainability, to inspire them to adopt green practices daily.

The children had the opportunity to visit PIEP’s facilities and learn about the manufacturing processes and sustainable innovations underway at PIEP and in society in general.

This was another educational activity by the PIEP Academy, carried out as part of the integral Polarise project, which includes a wide range of activities to transfer knowledge to society.


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