15 March 2023
PIEP develops POLARISE transforming project

PIEP – Innovation in Polymer Engineering – as a reference Technological and Innovation Center, will develop the transforming project POLARISE – Innovation in Polymer Engineering for a Circular and Digital Environment. POLARISE – Tender for Multi-annual Financing – was approved by ANI – National Innovation Agency, as part of the strategy of the PRR – Recovery and Resilience Programme, in the Investment and Innovation component. This project will run for 3 years, and with an investment of 2.7 million euros, it will guarantee relevant actions in the renewal of the scientific and technological support network and in the orientation towards the productive fabric, in the sense of leveraging the transition of the industry to a more digital and circular environment.

With the POLARISE Project and inherent actions, PIEP will increase the interaction, appreciation, and transfer of knowledge to the business fabric and other economic and social actors, contributing to innovation, entrepreneurship, and the development of skills in organizations and people.

Importance of the project in the national Polymers sector

According to the latest data provided by INE (ref 2018), the polymers, rubbers, and composites sector has 1,078 companies with around 29,172 employees and generated a total of sales of products and provision of services (turnover) of around 4,727, 10M€ (4.97% of the total turnover generated by Portuguese companies and 2.32% of GDP).

With the development of the POLARISE Project, PIEP will carry out, for this sector, collaborative activities and technology transfer with companies, technological centers, universities, and society, promoting greater interaction, creation of value in the business fabric, and greater involvement and offer of knowledge to Society through specific actions focused on the aspects of Digitization, Circular Economy and Decarbonization. The seeds will also be sown for the development of scientific and technological knowledge in critical themes, such as the area of Digitization and Digital Technologies, Decarbonization, and Circular Economy, as well as Automation and Intelligent Transformation and Advanced Materials based on more sustainable solutions.

In the words of Cláudia Cristóvão, Director General of PIEP, the POLARISE Project is “the implementation of a training strategy for the institution in terms of sustainability, digitization and national and international cooperation which, ultimately, aims to disseminate the knowledge acquired in the Polymers and Composites. We will undoubtedly take advantage of the opportunity provided by the Recovery and Resilience Program (PRR) and the National Innovation Agency, S.A. (ANI, S.A.) to foster an even greater approximation of companies with knowledge, practices, and state-of-the-art technologies.”


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