28 November 2023
Webinar PIEP Polarise – Blue Bioeconomy Agenda: New Applications of Marine Bioresources

PIEP – Innovation in Polymer Engineering will hold the webinar, dedicated to the theme of the Blue Bioeconomy Pact, on December 6th, at 2:30 pm.

The aim of this webinar is to address the topic of new applications of biomaterials and show the transversal and ecological potential of marine biotechnology solutions.

This session, taking place on the Zoom platform, is free to access, requiring only registration.

Hiléia Souza and Sandra Sampaio (PIEP) will moderate interventions by Susana P. Silva (Amorim Cork Composites), Aureliano Fertuzinhos / Pedro Silva (TMG), Ana Gonçalves (CITEVE), Luísa Alves (CENTI) and Mariana Matos (Nova School of Science & Technology).

The world needs a new business model capable of economic growth by decoupling raw materials from natural resources. Thus, the Blue Bioeconomy Pact embraced the challenge of reindustrializing Portuguese industries with the integration of blue biotechnology solutions into value chains, enhancing the sustainable use of marine bioresources to increase added value through carbon-neutral innovation.

This webinar is held within the scope of the POLARISE project, in which PIEP will increase interaction, valorization, and transfer of knowledge to the business community and other economic and social actors, contributing to innovation, entrepreneurship, and the development of skills in organizations and people.

Event program:

  • 14h30 – 14h45: Welcome & Presentation of the Blue Bioeconomy Agenda (WP1 and WP3) – Renato Reis (PIEP)
  • 14h45 – 15h00: Presentation – Amorim Cork Composites (Susana P. Silva, Amorim Cork Composites)
  • 15h00 – 15h15: TMG Group Presentation – Aureliano Fertuzinhos / Pedro Silva (TMG)
  • 15h15 – 15h45: Extraction of bioactive compounds from microalgae and their incorporation in textiles’ dyeing processes – Ana Gonçalves (CITEVE) / Luísa Alves (CENTI)
  • 15h45 – 16h00: PHAs biosynthesis using mixed microbial cultures and microalgae residues – Mariana Matos (NOVA FCT)
  • 16h00 – 16h15: Summary, questions, and closing – (PIEP)


Versão 2.1. - Cores

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