23 October 2023
Workshop PIEP Polarise – Thermoplastics as an alternative to thermosets in the composite industry

Thermoplastics as an alternative to thermosets in the composite industry

On November 10th, the PIEP laboratories in Guimarães will be open for the Workshop “Thermoplastics as an alternative to thermosets in the composite industry”.

The growing concern about the environmental impact and ecological footprint of components produced from thermosetting material implies changes to conventional methods of producing composite materials.

In this context, the workshop will discuss the potential application of thermoplastic matrix composites in the composites industry, their functional characteristics, and associated processing techniques.

The event will feature speakers from institutions such as SAXION University, University of Minho, ARKEMA, ISEP, and PIEP and is aimed at companies active in the area of transformation of composite materials, raw material suppliers, SCTN entities, and members of the Academy.

Event programm:

  • 2 pm – 2.10 pm – Welcome (PIEP)
  • 2.10 pm – 2.40 pm – Thermoplastic matrix composites, characteristics and applications (PIEP)
  • 2.40 pm – 3.10 pm – Liquid thermoplastic resins (title to be confirmed) (ARKEMA)
  • 3.10 pm – 3.30 pm – Coffee break
  • 3.30 pm – 4 pm – Processing of thermoplastic matrix composite materials (ISEP)
  • 4 pm – 4.30 pm – Affordable and sustainable TPCs for SME’s (SAXION University).
  • 4.30 pm – 4.50 pm – Round table (moderated by Prof. João Nunes – Minho University)
  • 4.50 pm – 5 pm – Closing
  • 5 pm – Visit to PIEP facilities (optional)


Registration for the workshop is free and is now open:

Register online 

This workshop is held within the scope of the POLARISE project, in which PIEP will increase interaction, valorization, and knowledge transfer to the business community and other economic and social actors, contributing to innovation, entrepreneurship, and the development of skills in organizations and people.

Versão 2.1. - Cores

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