15 December 2021
Portuguese Space Catalogue now available

The Portuguese Space Catalogue, carried out by the Portuguese Space Agency – Portugal Space, is now available online for a consultation. This document presents an overview of the ecosystem of the national space sector, aiming to increase its visibility at a global level and to serve as a working tool for professionals to identify potential business partners in space activities.

The “Portugal Space – Overview of the Portuguese Space Ecosystem,” catalogue identifies 52 companies and 30 research centres whose main or significant activity is carried out in the space sector.

It contains the mission and vision of each research institution or company for the sector, as well as their R&D projects, technologies, potential, services, or products.

The PIEP – Centre for Innovation in Polymer Engineering – is one of the entities presented in the catalogue, with the identification of competencies and works developed in the space area, such as projects cTPSNACO, and PECTF.

In addition to actively participating in the AED Cluster Portugal, PIEP is frequently present at events in the sector, as is the recent case of Space Tech Expo 2021, in Bremen, where it presented lightweight materials and structures for space applications, such as its electrically conductive 3D printing PEEK filament and the design freedom provided by embedded sensoring and circuitry using its 3DMID laser direct structuring technology.

PIEP at Space Tech Expo 2021, Bremen


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